A Woof is My Word for Love

Source: https://worncorners.com/2016/09/23/a-woof-is-my-word-for-love/

Calvin breathes gently. Despite the pain and exhaustion, despite the air of resignation that hangs around him, he seems peaceful. The morning sun is brutal, but Calvin continues to lie in the blinding brightness that escapes the curtains. Calvin. Our sunshine.

Father, Mother, and I have locked our gazes on the boy. If our thoughts could be heard, Calvin would hear us saying, “Our last day with you. Last day.” The words marshal years and years of memories. Memories that make us smile. Memories that make us feel thankful. Memories that make us cry.

And we face the inevitable question — Will the memories perish along with Calvin?

I lie beside him, with my arms around his weak body. He still tries to wag his tail. Dogs. I think of Father, who reluctantly left to work, for he’s weighed down with the knowledge that he will not see Calvin alive again. I think of Mother, who bottles up her emotions and poses questions like, “Will it be painful for him? Is that the only way?” I think of Sister, who is thousands of miles away from the boy, and who would trade all her wishes to spend one last minute with him.

For all of them, I whisper into his ears — We love you, Calvin — as my torrential tears wash his face.

Moments later, I measure his body to let a friend dig Calvin’s grave. As I measure, Calvin takes a deep breath. I run the tape on him when he is alive. Life shows how ruthless it can become. While the family suffers from the inability to face the separation, while Calvin still lies in my mother’s lap, I call the vet and inform that we are ready. A lie.

Calvin rests his head on my thigh during our last ride to the vet and his cataract-filled eyes become bigger, as the car moves faster. He grows curious, tries to look out the window and inhales deeply, as though he is taking along all the goodness in the world.

One year later…

Today, Mother peels a banana for Boo. “Calvin loved bananas, Boo. You knew that, didn’t you?” I hear Mother talk to Boo and remember all that Mother says about the boy who left us a year ago.

Calvin liked apples. Calvin loved strangers. Calvin ate birds’ droppings. Calvin was scared of firecrackers. Calvin was this. Calvin was that. Calvin was everything.

Boo runs her tongue around her lips and sprawls in the sunniest spot at home. As I wonder how the teeny-weeny, diffident dog whom we rescued a few years ago has become a spoilt girl, the answer to the ‘inevitable question’ appears.

Will the memories perish along with Calvin?

In that unassuming moment, it dawns on me that Calvin is ensconced in the memories. When he left this transient realm, Calvin became stronger and healthier in that safest of territories. Every tiny, beautiful memory of ours is a fort that protects him. Every time we talk about him, we give that fort a fresh coat of paint. Every time we utter his name, the fort’s doors open and the black boy comes running out, with his long tongue out. He wears an effervescent smile as he jumps on us, and he covers our faces with his sticky saliva.

Nothing can snatch Calvin from us. He is just here. He will always be here.

Memories don’t hurt anymore, for their purpose is different now. They keep him alive and fan the undying love we have for our first pet.

And now, we love him with no fear; he cannot be lost again.

The Perfect Stranger

Source: https://brownianemotionblog.wordpress.com/2016/06/17/the-perfect-stranger/

I did it again. I fell in love with a stranger. I first spotted him at around midday, outside the mosque. I was sitting on the steps surveying my surroundings, whilst my companions decided which attraction to visit next. There he was, standing about twenty yards to the left, alone against the high sun. He caught my eye immediately, a shadow in all black. Long, sun-kissed blonde hair tied back in a scruffy ponytail – I usually prefer brunettes – but aside from that, he fit me like a glove. A plain black t-shirt outlined his toned, youthful frame in just the right places, hinting at the muscles that lay modestly beneath. Taut, tanned skin over strong lean arms. He wore black jeans despite the 35 degree Malaysian heat, suggesting he was a seasoned traveller. He was a world explorer. Tattered Vans, the finishing touch to his devil may care trap. The skater boy, the surfer dude, the aloof and elusive, the trap I fall into, headfirst, every time. I sat and watched him take endless pictures with Chinese tourists, a constant smile on his face. He was good natured.

“We’re going to the museum!”

That was that, a beautiful boy passing in and out of my consciousness. A rare solar event, spectacular to witness but never to be glimpsed again in this lifetime.


Eight hours later, after dinner, the Moon passed over the Sun again . We were strolling down Jalan Alor, and there he was – a jewel amongst the chaotic amalgamation of sounds, lights, and smells that made the heart of Kuala Lumpur. He was sitting outside a restaurant, alone again, one metre away from me. He was close enough that I could make out his features properly. A young face, no facial hair, twenty-one maximum. Steel blue eyes, exuding the quiet confidence often owned by young men. He had masculine enough features to offset the ponytail, yet was not exactly rugged. He had a softness about him, maybe it was the smile. He heard my accent, or simply my English as I spoke to my companions and looked up at me. His steel met my obsidian for just a split second before we both pulled away. That instant was long enough. Suddenly we existed to each other. I was no longer the lone voyeur, observing through the glass. Our universes had collided, opening innumerable possibilities and decisions. As I walked on down the street I looked back several times, and caught those blue eyes, again and again. Each time the gap had widened between us. I watched him pay for his dinner, and saw the laughter light up his face in response to a joke – too far to away to hear either. My heart began to flutter, softly, expectantly. Would he come this way? I glanced again – still waiting for his change, almost out of my range. Then, I had walked too far and his sun bleached halo was out of view. I threw tentative glances back up the street, too distracted to understand the words of my friends.

“No, I’ve never tried mochi.”

Glance. Nothing.

“Yeah, sure.”

Glance. Nothing.

How much time had passed? Two minutes? Five minutes? If he’d walked this way he’d be here by now. My entire body stood to attention, on high alert. My vision attuned to search for a single target. My skin prickled and I could feel the blood surging through their vessels. Desperate, I used my last option: stage a reason to return. Although my reason was genuine, I had wanted hand made ice cream from the stall which was conveniently near his last known location. But when I arrived, he was no where. He had disappeared like an apparition. Gone. And with him went the flutter in my heart and the acuteness of my senses. The hunt was over. The game was up. We moved on, and I forgot again. Within a matter of minutes he had been propelled from a forgotten blip, to the star of the show, only to fade back into obscurity again. Later in bed I smiled at the beauty that coincidence can bring and the absurdity of it all.


The next morning was laborious. I woke with the whispers of a hangover echoing through my skull. After a slow start we were finally sat on a busy MRT carriage, on the way to visit the Batu Caves. Whilst talking to my friend my mind suddenly drifted again to the stranger in black. As if in direct response to my musings –  there he sat! He was at the end of the next carriage, drawing in a sketch book. He was an artist. I drew in a sharp breath of surprise and turned away. How could he be here again? What were the chances? I wasn’t a believer in fate or destiny. I knew that the odds existed, though they seemed small. I knew about apophenia and the gambler’s fallacy. Yet, I couldn’t help but get sucked into the meaning  of it all. He became, once again, a figure of importance in my life.

I stalked him through the slow moving throng of tourists as we queued to exit the station. He had stopped for a drink outside and I passed him woefully unnoticed. As we made our way up the 300 steps in the stifling heat and sweat started to dew on my forehead, I knew that the exertion was only partly responsible for my elevated heart rate. I tried to focus on the view, but it was futile. My attention was always drawn to scanning the figures below me, searching; searching for the one coruscating bullseye amongst the hundreds of little ants. Eventually I had no choice but to descend into the cave, and endure the angst of not knowing if I’d see him again.

My patience was rewarded when we stepped out into the sun again. Once liberated from the darkness, my eagle eyes finally fell on their prey. He sat in the next platform, exactly where we had planned to go. He was calmly observing the baby monkeys, unflinchingly allowing them to come nearer to him than anyone else dared. He was brave. My path took me straight to those monkeys – straight to him. I felt the imperceptible shift in his manner as I approached, subconscious acknowledgement that he felt me too. My mind raced with a million possibilities, a million hellos, a million strategies. We watched each other without ever looking directly at the other, yet scrutinising every minute detail. I drew closer and closer until, at last, we were close enough to reach out and touch each other. The air between us was a morass of expectation. This was it. Finally, I could bear it no more and yielded, gazing directly into those eyes. He stared back into mine with a look of understanding, but we both fell short of the courage to speak. I return his humble coy smile before continuing up to the next step and out of reach once more. Up and away I moved with the acrid taste of regret lingering upon me. When I finally dared to look back, he was walking down the steps, soon to be consumed by the gaping mouth of the cave. Our paths had diverged for the last time.


In an alternate reality we spoke. In an alternate reality we spoke and fell madly in love. In an alternate reality we spoke and detested each other. In an alternate reality we spoke and became acquaintances, best friends, colleagues, muses, heroes, villains, a passionate fling, a casual conversation, a story to tell. But in this reality, we passed with nothing but that smile. In this reality the story was over. In a way, it was better like this. We were nothing but ideas to each other, idealised, never showing blemishes or wrinkles, never causing pain. A love story that can never be tarnished. We would remain, forevermore, perfect strangers.

友情 好词好句

  • 择友宜慎,弃之更宜慎。--(美)富兰格林
  • 有很多良友,胜于有很多财富。-(英)莎士比亚
  • 友谊的基础在于两个人的心肠和灵魂有着最大的相似。-(德)贝多芬
  • 真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。———华盛顿
  • 挚友如异体同心。——亚里士多德
  • 世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的严正的朋友。——爱因斯坦
  • 没有朋友也没有敌人的人,就是凡夫俗子。——拉法特
  • 对众人一视同仁,对少数人推心置腹,对任何人不要亏负。——莎士比亚
  • 既不请求别人也不答应别人去做卑鄙的事情,为友谊的一项原则。–(古罗马)西塞罗
  • 柔和的态度对于一颗被人轻蔑的心的确是很大的安慰。–(法)罗曼、罗兰
  • 以赠品收买朋友,则他也可能被他人收买。–(英)莎士比亚

Somewhat Philosophical Quotes

The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance – Socrates

A people that value its privileges above its principles soon loses both – Dwight D. Eisenhower

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is – Yogi Berra

A little inaccuracy can sometimes save a ton of explanation – H.H Munro

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction – Albert Einstein

A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually – Abba Eban

Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good – Mohandas Gandhi

Whatever government is not a government of laws, is a despotism, let it be called what it may – Daniel Webster

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws – Plato

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing – Theodore Roosevelt

It is dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong – Voltaire

The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object – Thomas Jefferson

No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation – Woodrow Wilson (28th U.S President)

The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work – Emile Zola

The world is full of educated derelicts – Calvin Coolidge

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a change to get its pants on – Winston Churchill

It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog – Mark Twain

Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart’s desire, the other is to get it – Socrates

If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning – Aristotle Onasis

Men are not disturbed by things, but the view they take of things – Epictetus

As a rule, men worry more about what they can’t see than about what they can – Julius Caesar


作文写作技巧,怎样写好作文开头,俗话说万事开头难,开好了头就成功了一半,那么一篇文章怎样来写好作文开头呢,我总结了一下,有以下开头方式:1.以回忆开头 2. 写景抒情开头 3.以议论开头 4.以引用名言开头。现在我们就来看看这几种开头方法在作文中的应用:


1. 每当记忆的画册让风儿翻到最初的一页,总有一架小风车停在那儿,彩色的风车。风吹过来,小风车就呼噜呼噜地叫着,兴高采烈地打起转来。那情景就像一条带子,将我拉到了那段刻骨铭心的时光。。。。。。
3. 历史被如沙的时光悄悄地掩埋,当我们回首时,已了无痕迹。然而当我们真正回首去聆听和抚摸这尘封的记忆时,却总有那一串串姓名在大漠的鸣沙中突兀,回荡。

第二种作文开头方式就是以写景抒情开头 ,请看下列范文

1. 傍晚,秋雨还在淅淅沥沥地下着,我一个人孤零零地走在回家的小路上。冰冷的雨水浇打在身上,一种苦涩的感觉涌上心头。
2. 紫红色的去霞充满着整片天空,其中还有一轮血似的夕阳,如此暖意的画面显示现出“最美不过夕阳红”的温馨与从容之感,暖得让人沉醉,暖得让人迷恋。


第三种作文开头方式是以议论开头 ,比如:

1. 爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光,使贫病交迫的人感到人间的温暖;爱心是一泓出现在沙漠里的泉水,使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望;爱心是一首飘荡在夜空的歌谣,使孤苦无依的人获得心灵的慰藉。
2. 如果说友谊是一颗常青树,那么,浇灌它的必定是出自心田的清泉;如果说友谊是一朵开不败的鲜花,那么,照耀它的必定是从心中升起的太阳。



3. 翻开灿若银河的唐诗宋词,数不胜数的当算离别诗了,王勃壮怀高歌:无为在歧路,儿女共沾巾。柳永则声情哀怨:今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸晓风残月。江淹却千帆过尽一言蔽之:黯然销魂者,惟别而已矣。还有人捶胸顿足:扬鞭哪忍匆匆!当今又有汪国真低吟:人生一瞬百年,哪堪去去还还。无论耳在何处,只祈如水如船。又来了席慕蓉温柔的警语:如果离别能够勾起我们因聚在一起而引起的疏忽的细节,离别真的不好吗?如此种种情思,真是美不胜收。涵咏不同时代不同人生的感悟,会让你有意外的收获。
















牵着妈妈的手 ~ 好词好句








1. 天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草地见牛羊。
出处 :北朝《乐府诗集·敕勒歌》
含义 :形容原野辽阔的景象。
例句 :我住的地方有片辽阔的草原,“~ ”其风光足可与《敕勒歌》的塞外草原放牧景象媲美。

2. 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?
出处 :宋朝·王安石《泊船瓜洲》
含义 :比喻美好的景象,寓意着对即将展现的美好景象充满希望。
例句 :校长积极推行鼓吹阅读的运动,“~ ”相信不久的将来,我校学生的知识水平将有所提升,缔造书香校园的目标指日可待。

出处 :先秦·韩非《韩非子·喻老》
含义 :说明克服缺点,在立下志愿时才不会为胜过别人,而遭遇困难。
例句 :为了理想,你要勇敢面对严苛的批评,“~ ”,克服了挫折感,就能信心十足站在舞台上。

出处 :先秦·孟轲《孟子·尽心上》
含义 :说明不管在朝或在野,都要保全个人的良好品德;有能力时,更要使德泽惠及众人。
例句 :陈伯为了乐善好施,如今当选为村长,更秉持着“~ ”的原则,积极为民服务。

出处 :先秦·荀况《荀子·劝学》
含义 :说明凡事要有恒心,才会有成就。
例句 :求学进取一定要专心致志,坚持不懈,才能学有所成,因为“~ ”,可见恒心是成功的首要条件。

出处 :明朝·洪英明《菜根谭》
含义 :说明应该以坦然的态度面对顺境与逆境。
例句 :人生在世,必有顺境和逆境,“~ ”,只要我们居安思危,即使遇到逆境,也能坦然面对。

出处 :唐朝·王勃《滕王阁序》
含义 :描写黄昏迷人的幽美景色。
例句 :黄昏时刻登上大汉山,向远处眺望,那“~ ”的景色,叫人着迷。

出处 :唐朝·贾岛《题李凝幽居》
含义 :描写荒僻、幽静的景象,反映隐居生活的闲适自在。
例句 :爷爷搬到了乡村后,不但心境开朗了,人也精神起来,可见“~ ”的生活十分适合爷爷。

出处 :唐朝·王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》
含义 :说明自己坚守高尚的操守,没有贪图功名利禄,内心坦荡磊落。
例句 :他从政多年,一向勤政爱民,光明磊落,对于民间不利于她的传言,他都以“~ ”作为回应。

出处 :宋朝·僧志南《绝句》
含义 :描写细雨蒙蒙的江南迷人春色。
例句 :春天到来,细雨蒙蒙,轻抚人们的脸庞,“~ ”,一阵暖意沁人心牌。

出处 :唐朝·李煜《虞美人》
含义 :比喻心中无限的忧愁,没完没了。
例句 :哥哥申请大学失败,恰巧我的驾驶考试也不及格,我们两人一连好几天都愁眉苦脸,见面就说:“~ ”,其实我们应该放下失败,从头再来!

出处 :明朝·杨慎《临江仙》
含义 :劝人对得失成败不必斤斤计较。
例句 :人世的得失成败只不过是过眼云烟,唯乐观豁达的人能超脱成败,永远不会偏激、执着,因为他深切明白“~ ”的道理。

出处 :唐朝·李白《早发白帝城》
含义 :形容当时诗人的心境是十分轻松愉快的。
例句 :国外的工作合约结束后,立明怀着愉快的心情踏上回乡归途。“~ ”,他此刻是多么归心似箭啊!

出处 :现代·徐志摩《再别康桥》
含义 :比喻一种潇洒自如的性格,给人一种轻淡而宁静的离愁。
例句 :明强在公司里一直没有机会发挥她的才华,觉得很不愉快,她辞职离开时,堆起笑容对大家说:“~ ”。

出处 :南朝·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》
含义 :比喻一个国家如果被摧毁了,所有人民也必会遭殃、受累。
例句 :一个机构若严重亏损而面临危机时,不仅领导层命运堪虞,员工也将尝到被裁、失业的苦果, “~ ”。

出处 :唐朝·柳宗元《断刑论》
含义 :说明了奖赏和惩罚都必须及时,才能发挥劝善或警械的效果。
例句 :老师对学生赏罚分明,同学严守纪律,所谓“~ ”,这正是进行赏罚时所应遵循的准绳。

出处 :先秦·吕不韦《吕氏春秋·先己》
含义 :劝人凡事要有自知之明。
例句 :你别自以为是地批评别人,“~ ”,你如果不愿反躬自省,不只不能自我进步,还会惹人厌恶呢!

出处 :宋朝·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》
含义 :赞颂事事以人民的利益为主,爱国爱民的好领袖。
例句 :王先生是个热心公益的地方领袖,地方上许多发展计划都是由他带头推动的,虽然如此,他却从来不跟别人争功劳、抢利益,对于他这种“~ ”的精神,我们非常敬佩。

出处 :唐朝·李煜《相见欢》
含义 :描写春残花谢,冷风寒雨的萧索景象,寄托作者深感人生短促、好景不常的悲哀。
例句 :生命是很脆弱的,经得起艰苦的磨难,也经不起岁月的催促。“~ ”,世间生命的悲苦短暂,真让人倍觉感伤。

出处 :元·马致远《天净沙·秋思》
含义 :描绘深秋萧索而凄凉的景象。
例句 :走进古老的村庄,只见“~ ”,一片凄凉萧索的景致映入眼帘。

出处 :先秦·《诗经·小雅·蓼莪》
含义 :形容父母抚养子女,操劳辛苦,也用以表达对父母养育之恩的感激。
例句 :父母为了养大我们兄妹,付出了极大的心力。“~ ”!我一定要好好孝顺他们。

出处 :现代·鲁迅《自嘲》
含义 :说明为了个人理想而奋斗的当儿,不理会一般人的无理指责,一心一意为后辈的利益而鞠躬尽瘁。
例句 :李老师在我校服务了30年,他在这期间经历了各种压力和无理的指责,但是他毫不退缩,为了培养年轻的一代而辛勤的工作,校长特地在欢送会上大力表扬他这种“~ ”的伟大精神。

出处 :先秦《孟子·告子下》
含义 :一个人要成就一番大事业,必定要经历许多磨难和挫折,即使受苦受累也不胡来,行为上能守节不乱。
例句 :为了考进自己理想中的大学,立仁常挑灯夜读,在身心俱疲时,却以一句“~ ”来劝勉自己,然后继续为理想而奋斗努力。

出处 :三国·诸葛亮《将才》
含义 :说明不傲慢、不自大、能自制是我们待人处事应有的态度。
例句 :一个人的可贵之处并不在于他拥有财富或具有天赋的才干,而是在于他能得志不骄,凡是谦逊,同事能够克制自己,正所谓“~ ”。

出处 :西汉·司马迁《史记·陈涉世家》
含义 :比喻胸怀大志的人,一般人往往不能理解他的志向。
例句 :拥有远大志向的姐姐大学毕业以后打算继续进修硕士课程,可是中学毕业过后便一直在隔壁迷你市场担任收银员却认为女孩子不必读太多书,真是“~ ”。

出处 :宋·欧阳修《五代史·冯道传》
含义 :说明一个不顾廉耻的人,会因贪得无厌而什么坏事都做得出。
例句 :所谓“~ ”,一个人要是不廉洁而也没有羞耻心,那他将会成为一个贪得无厌、奸猾无情之徒。

出处 :三国·曹操《短歌行》
含义 :表达了求贤若渴的愿望。
例句 :那小国的领袖身怀济世之志,且明白人才对国家繁荣发展的重要性,因此常以“~ ”这句话来表明自己乐于接纳贤才的心志。

出处 :宋·苏轼《题西林壁》
含义 :包含着“当局者迷,旁观者清”的道理,告诉人们要客观看待问题。
例句 :他装出一副可怜兮兮的样子只是要引你上勾,你看不出他的阴谋,只因为你是当局者迷“~ ”啊!

出处 :先秦《周易·乾》
含义 :勉励人们要努力向上。
例句 :所谓“~ ”,因此我们要努力充实自己,才能在社会中立足。

出处 :先秦《左传·昭公十一年》
含义 :比喻属下力量过于强大就不听使唤,在上的就难以控制。
例句 :一个机构必须上下有序,下属须服从上级,如果下属的势力或权力比上司还大,那必会形成“~ ”的不健全局面。

出处 :东汉·班固《汉书·东方朔传》
含义 :说明为人处世不能过于斤斤计较,在一些非原则性的小事上,不能过于认真。
例句 :所谓“~ ”,思敏对朋友太过苛刻,凡事都太计较,结果失去了一群好朋友。

出处 :唐·王维《使至塞上》
含义 :形容辽阔的沙漠、荒原等地烟尘徐上,夕阳西下的景色。
例句 :那天在电视节目上看都有关撒哈拉沙漠的纪录片,让人感受到“~ ”的意境。

出处 :隋·王通《文中子·中说·魏相》
含义 :说明品德高尚的人宽宏大量,不会过于苛求,更不会强人所难。
例句 :所谓“~ ”,黄经理从不对下属所不能做或做不到的事加以责难,我们赞他是个真正有修养的君子。

出处 :先秦·吕不韦《吕氏春秋·尽数》
含义 :比喻人经常运动才不会生病,也比喻经常运动的东西不易受侵蚀。
例句 :所谓“~ ”。身体要常运动才会健康;文笔要常练习才会进步。

出处 :晋·陶渊明《饮酒》二十首之五
含义 :描写诗人恬淡的个性和与世无争的心情。
例句 :丽芬住在四面环山的小农村里,我们趁着假期到那儿小住几天,在优美的大自然中亲身体验了“~ ”那种悠闲自得、与世无争的生活。

出处 :唐·杜甫《丹青引》
含义 :赞扬一个人品德高尚,不慕利益。
例句 :65高龄的勇毅是国际知名的画家,在他眼中一切都是艺术,对世俗,他视如粪土“~ ”这句话简直就是他的写照。

出处 :唐·韩愈《昌黎集·杂说四》
含义 :比喻能识别人才的人,比人更难得、更可贵。
例句 :人才是到处存在的,但懂得识别人才的却没几个,正所谓“~ ”,因此懂得任用人才的人才会成就一番事业。

出处 :宋·欧阳修《醉翁亭记》
含义 :说明做某件事,本意不在这件事上而在别的方面,比喻别有用心。
例句 :班上举办的任何活动,伟正从不参加,这一次的大扫除他却来了,我们都知道他是“~ ”,他在乎的可是之后的慰劳宴呢!

出处 :唐·元稹《离思》
含义 :比喻对亡妻的感情深挚不渝。
例句 :自从妻子去世后,他便没有再娶的念头,只因“~ ”在他眼中再也没人能比他的亡妻更美丽、更贤惠了。

出处 :唐·李商隐《无题》
含义 :比喻坚贞的爱情至死不渝,或对事业坚持不懈的精神。
例句 :国平所进行的科学实验已接连失败了三次,但他依然不放弃,抱着“~ ”的决心,非到成功不肯罢休。


Source: picablocks.blogspot.com/2012/12/spm.html




那年我17岁。父亲皱着眉头看着我的联考成绩单,久久不出一言。而母亲在旁边笑的连眼睛都看不见了,直嚷这要给张妈说去咱家出了个状元,又喊着要去还神,又说要杀只鸡庆祝。父亲只是瞪着单子,半饷开了腔,很沉的声音:“然后怎地?” 我一愣,还以为他在问我今后的打算呢。我说:“拿这单去考大学呗,不准还拿个北大什么的。” 父亲看着我:“你哪儿都不去,家里得有人顾。” 我呆住了。在这之前父亲常跟我说我长大要继承祖业,担起家里寿板店的生意。我也总到铺里帮忙接洽客人、框寿衣、估价钱,客人都说我是小老板。

可那是空闲时间啊。父亲说我有天会当上老板,我还以为他是说着乐呢。平日我都在书房学习,要考好成绩,将来上大学。我也绘画,从小就会。可父亲总是把我的画作拿走,放进柜里锁起来。我曾试着偷钥匙要看看我的画作,一不小心让父亲抓着,我整半个月不准上餐桌吃饭。小时候我睁着大眼看着父亲说:“我长大要画画!” 父亲也不笑也不夸,只说搞好学习再说。我于是努力,每年都是班上的学习尖子。

当我拿着灿烂的联考成绩单进门,我还以为他会欣慰地笑,说我可以放心追逐我的梦想。没有。他就坐在那,用我看不透的眼与我对瞪。我张开口想说点什么画画的好处,他猛地站起,重重地拍桌子吼:“我说啥,你做啥!” 随后就回房了。之后的日子,我再也不跟他说话。他把有我的名字的盖章放在我房里的那天傍晚,我收了包袱跑出了家,跑进林子,跑出这个要限制我,要抹杀我的才能的地方。


秋风萧萧。我打了个机灵,把大衣搂得更紧些。一个小妹妹迎面走来,有10岁吧,哭得眼肿得个包似的。她也不看路,一拐弯直往我腿里撞,顺势坐在地上号啕大哭起来。我慌了,蹲下来看着她哭。她好象看不到我,径自哭了好一会。过了很久,她终于哭累了,眯着眼打量我。我问她从哪来,发生什么事,她也说不出个所以然,只哽咽着说:“妈妈罚我。。呜呜。。我没有。。我没。。没推弟弟。。他自己跌倒。。呜。。” 我问:“那你有解释吗?” 她不回答。我再问:“你有争取解释的机会吗?” 她不回答。我像是回忆起往事:“你这是逃避!是没有担当!就不能留下来给大家一个机会吗?那你怎么能光怪人!” 她吓呆了,傻傻地看着我。一位女士走过来,气冲冲把小孩牵走:“怎么能吓小孩呢!乖,不哭,我带你去找妈妈。” 我只蹲在原地,因澎湃的情绪而发抖。

或许我该做点什么。我站起来,到冰淇凌摊买了两个大圣代,找到小女孩。我把圣代递给她,说:“一个自己吃,一个给妈妈,说不是你干的,为跑走陪个罪。” “妈妈会担心透了,” 我说。然后,我打了个电话买了张回老家的机票。


My Best Friend

Source: Manu Menon

Close friendships are hard to come by these days. In an ever-changing world with people striving to achieve their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your true friends are. Fortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender age of seven. We were both enrolled at the same school and were at wits’ ends as we searched tirelessly for our designated classes.

Samantha and I got acquainted as both of us were in the same class and sat next to each other. Samantha was a happy-go-lucky girl who always managed to breathe fresh air into the sometimes arid classroom. She always knew what to say and would voice them at the best possible moments. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness. There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and expressions.

Samantha was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a businessman and her mother owned and ran a boutique. Both her parents were very caring towards her as she, just like I, was the only child of the family. Samantha came to school each day with a perpetual smile. She was a very nice person to be around with. She and I used to go everywhere together and both of us were rarely seen apart. We used to talk about so many things as we walked, thoroughly enjoying our time together.

One day, I went to school and forgot to ask my parents for lunch money. At first, I was not hungry and thought I could bear going without a meal but soon, my stomach began to growl. Without asking, Samantha generously paid for my meal and drinks during recess. The incident revealed to me how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate friend.

As time went on, people started teasing us as we were spending more and more time together. We seemed to know what each other thought and we cared for each other deeply. Was I in love with her? I did not know then and we both knew we were too young for all that emotional roller coaster.

Currently, Samantha and I are studying at different schools. It was hard to be apart at first, but technology in the form of instant messaging and e-mails have helped to bridge the gap in our friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will never end as it would be equivalent to waking up from a beautiful dream.